Youth Mental Health

The mental and emotional well-being of American teens and young adults is a growing health crisis.  According to the CDC, death by suicide spiked more than 50-percent among young people in the 10 years from 2007 to 2017. Health experts say feelings of anxiety, inadequacy and hopelessness can lead to depression. Researchers have found depression is the most common link to suicide. Another study from Pew Research in 2019 found that 55% of teens said “bullying” was the second biggest issue they were dealing with in their lives. And that same study found that 70-percent of teenagers believe anxiety and depression is a “major problem” among other young people like themselves. What these statistics show is that how we treat each other MATTERS! Personal interactions can positively or negatively impact the mental health and self-esteem of those we encounter. Each one of us needs to search our conscience and determine what sort of person we want to be, what moral standards we value, and if we can commit to trying to live by those ethical principles every day. You will feel better about yourself, and others will feel better too. If you have any thoughts or feelings that your life is too difficult, that you don’t matter or have considered harming yourself, PLEASE call, text or message the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, where trained counselors are ready to listen and provide help.